
From sanctions

Niels ten Oever

I'm Niels ten Oever.

I'm one of the signatories of the open letter, one of the administrators of this wiki, and I seek to ensure that conversations here reflect diverse perspectives.

I'm also postdoctoral researcher with the project at the University of Amsterdam. Next to that, I am a research fellow with the Centre for Internet and Human Rights at the European University Viadrina, non-resident fellow with the Center for Democracy and Technology, affiliated faculty with the Digital Democracy Institute at the Simon Fraser University, and an associated scholar with the Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas. I also serve as Vice-Chair for the Global Internet Governance Academic Network.

You can also find me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Conflicts of Interest

I do not currently receive any money or other consideration from any military or propaganda agency, nor am I involved in the sanctions decision-making process of any government.


In the past, I have worked for several civil society organizations on the topic of digital rights, such as ARTICLE19 and Free Press Unlimited that have received funding from European and North American governments.